Competent Person’s Report

Competent Person’s Report

Trusted, independent opinions concerning stock exchange listings

GaffneyCline is known throughout the oil and gas stock market fraternity as a trusted provider of expert reports for market listings or further equity raisings. GaffneyCline has conducted numerous projects providing formal independent opinions in support of capital market and other financial offerings, typically acting as technical or strategic advisor for a wide range of clients. 

We maintain excellent business relationships with legal, accounting firms and financial sponsors who rely on GaffneyCline’s credibility within international capital markets. We are well versed in operating within advisory teams to ensure a successful listing. Under some stock exchange regulations, these reports have formal titles such as, "Competent Person's Report" (CPR) as with the United Kingdom Listing Authority (UKLA). Under other jurisdictions, they are known simply as "Expert's Report," “Independent Resources Report,” or "Reserve Engineer's Report."

GaffneyCline has facilitated many recent global stock exchange listings, including London, New York, Toronto, Oslo, Hong Kong and Sydney.

Contact GaffneyCline to discuss your scenario.